07 February, 2006

She came back...

She finally contacted me...
20 days of oblivion.. not much, but long enough..
She had dissappeared without a trace..taking away many a thing from my life..
I know things werent all that normal..ok, i'll keep this for some other post..for now, the important things...
She had some dental operation, now she looks pretty different from the way i'd seen her..She say that she lost her long nose, but is looking better now..I still dont understand why the doc's had to chop off your nose, if it was a dental surgery..beats me, i guess thats why its good i didnt become a doctor..but.. It was soo wonderful talkin to you the other day, after such a long time.. i dont quiet have the words to describe how it has changed things soo much..
We might not be in the best of the times..
We might not be what we really wanted to be for each other..
We might not be totally sure of the other persons feelings, thoughts or whatever...
We might not even share what we used to earlier..

but, now i have hope....


Anonymous said...

U really do miss her dont u???
Every blog entry has shades of ur longing to be with her...
Hope everything works out the way u want it to...

Love... >:D<...u know who...

Sphinx said...

Are, u misunderstood.. this isnt for her.. this is for someone else..

Ya i do long for her, but i'm not soo desperate also.. after all past is past..its done and over with..today is the thing thats matter more to me now..so am surviving in present thinkin more abt my future than of those old things...